Pubg corporation has announced a new initiative called "fix pubg" in which the developers will attempt to, well, fix pubg. share pubg developer admits pubg is broken with ‘fix pubg’ campaign.. Wadu hek teaches shroud how to be wadu and mocks him! pubg funny moments/fails/wtf plays - duration: 10:17. ozzny 274,922 views. Below we’ve broken them down for you. elite upgrade. permanent rare weapon finish. permanent rare sweatshirt. unlock weekly elite missions. unique royale pass icon. elite plus upgrade. 20 ranks worth of royale points. pubg: best way to get and farm bp; zeroing distance - how to understand and achieve the perfect zeroing distance - pubg:.
Pubg is officaly broken! he wouldn't have got a good shot at me since he was shooting and probably also used zeroing. but i also noticed he didn't have a helmet, he was only wearing a baseball cap. or the game being terribly broken... < > showing 1-15 of 26 comments. It is currently on the test server and will be live sometime next week. included in pubg pc 1.0 update #7 is client and server optimization, lobby […] register or sign in. register or login with: facebook replaced the red cross icon with a red tire icon for a broken tire; sound. added a hit sound effect for crops, rubber, cloth, paper and. Pubg zeroing distance not working new patch i cant anything with page up and page down.. the author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. but it was still nice to be able to adjust the zeroing to continue using the point of the reticle rather than the vertical line. better visibility, especially at longer ranges.