Pubg mobile has become one of the fastest growing games on mobile platforms. pubg mobile graphics, resolution, lag fix and recommend settings. by ali hashmi. apr 26, 2018. in gaming. 1. before starting, we should let you know that there will be a configuration of android file system and use of a third-party application to replace the. How to fix pubg mobile lag by tweaking graphics, resolution settings, more: note: this process is going to involve interacting with the android file system and using a third-party application to replace the usercustom.ini file with a modified one for better performance.. Optimizing pubg mobile and fix pubg game lag. pubg provides heaps of control over the improvement of the game. you’ll be able to reach these controls by heading into the settings menu, that you’ll get to by clicking the cog icon within the high right of the home screen..
Pubg mobile lag fix config july 13, 2018 about game:-pubg mobile has become one of the fastest growing games on mobile platforms, competing with fortnite to become the top battle royale smartphone game.. Pubg mobile 0.10.0 lag fix in 2gb ram phone | smooth hd graphics +60fps ----donload link----- 720p no lag config best for 3 gb ram 520p no lag config best. Guide for getting the most fps in pubg and reducing lag completely. reduce heat, battery consumption and stuttering with some quick fixes and tips in the settings menu. best settings for fps & lag in pubg mobile. other potential lag fixes. the easiest way to fix it would be by making sure you’re connected to the right server in pubg.